Monday, May 04, 2009

27. (nine.) Kookaroaches.

A tough one.
What have I to say? I'm sorry. Not much. They were so disobedient today.
One good moment, at least -- we were talking about good news this morning, in the context of sharing the wonderful news of Jesus... and my M., who is back at last after a week of allergy absence said "I have some good news and some bad news. You want the bad news or the good news first?" He is unstoppable once he gets a gleam in his eye. The words roll out like water down a cliff. "The good news is there are no more kookaroaches in the bathroom." (that's exactly how he pronounces it.) "That is good news," say I, rather tickled. "The bad news..." he says, building up to it... "is that the kookaroaches are in your room!" He's delighted with himself. From here on, there is rather a fixation in the discussion on clean bathrooms as good news.
I'm glad M.'s back.

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