Sunday, May 24, 2009

17. (19 lived and written.: The Crumpled Kingdom.

Monday. I'm to be blessed by what I'm teaching them in Bible this week. We are looking at the world through the True Paradigm of the King and His Kingdom. And then we are celebrating the coming return of the King. A celebration with a warning. "So then, you must also be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him."

We start with a beautiful Kingdom. Beauty sketched in simple symbols with pastels on green construction paper. Stick figures. A river of fish. A yellow sun. A flower. And then, the Kingdom is crumpled. All disfigured and vandalized by our rebellion, by the actions of our now-filthy hearts. Oh how the King of this Crumpled Kingdom is saddened. But He still speaks. And a few still turn their ears to hear. From within the crumples, their ears incline to the Creator-King. And then, one day, He sends His Son, His representative, His beloved, Himself, into the midst of it all. Down into the crumpled kingdom. Incline your ears, Kingdom-people, King-followers. Are they open? Do you hear? The King Himself is here. . .

And here, here He took upon Himself the punishment, the payment, for the terrible vandalism we have done to the King's beautiful work. The terrible pain we have caused the great King's heart. So now the Kingdom is among us. within us. The Kingdom is here.

And today, after the Son has returned to His Father, and left the gift with us, left Himself in His Spirit, we who still long for the King wait for the Kingdom to be restored in full. In FULL.
We live, dear children, in the last chapter of a story. The story of the Kingdom. And we're waiting for the King to keep His promise
to come back.

"To the King!" we holler together.
And we pray to be big-eared people. Listening for the voice of the King
here among the crumples.

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