Wednesday, May 13, 2009

20. (Or sixteen.): small wonders

Standardized testing today involved a story about a factory. Seven kids at once: "Like Willy Wonka!" Thanks to Mr. Wonka, they all got the test question right.

Last night, the incredibly apt and tender gift of a sunset seen from the top of the Empire State Building. Perspective. Thank You.
Interesting, as always, though, how physical size is no indicator whatsoever of true impact, importance, weight, power. 13 tiny children, far off in the haze, down in the labyrinths of the Lego-city,
but one, just one of them, could change so much
of the world.
And one can make me a crazy person.
And one cannot be dreamed up by the human mind or formed by human hands.
"Poems are made by fools like me... but only God can make..." a small person. Wonder as great as the distant galaxies and the pink sky layers behind the setting sun.

Today they drove me batty. They do. Not. Listen. To a single direction given. Every. Single. Direction. Must be repeated. Fifteen times. Batty. (oh, Lord, help me to face them, and not snap into pieces, again tomorrow.)

Today's charming quote, from my floppy F., on what he wants to be when he grows up. "I'm going to do.... the whole world! Paint the whole world rainbows."
G., on the other hand, has very concrete expectations of the future. When she grows up? "A laptop. I'm going to have a laptop." She also thinks she can speak Chinese. In fact, she thinks she was born in China. She tells her mother this frequently. Her mother throws up her hands. What can you do? I consider this one of the great legacies to her of her year in Kindergarten, and expect to hear of her missionary journeys to Asia

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