Monday, October 24, 2005

Go saddle the sea

Go saddle the sea, put a bridle on the wind,
before you choose your place.

(I found this little quote in a book for young folk called 'Go Saddle the Sea,' by Joan Aiken. I've read a couple of her kids-ish books on the side for amusement and general non-televised entertainment lately. Anyway, back to the point. I don't know if this is a real proverb or one invented for the book, but it caught my imagination and my experience and clothed them in imagery. The whole idea of widening perspective in order to be able to see where and whom you truly are. It also makes me want to cross an ocean in an open boat with magical people.)


from mel said... mean something like Neverland?

To an awfully big adventure.

I thought of you a lot today and I miss you so much.


thekate said...

i miss you so much too...
you made me consider once again: is it only our used-to-it-ness that makes us think we are NOT in the equivalent of a boat to Neverland each day?
Because I look out at that tree and down at my own hands and...where did all this COME from?
We live in semi-Neverland and someday all will be revealed and made perfect.