Sunday, October 23, 2005

louis and lions

As I sit here with Louis Armstrong sailing through the air, hot coffee in my belly, the glow of a lamp against a gray and windy evening, and the joy of Jesus in the room...
A couple more thought-inducements from Charles Williams's 'The Place of the Lion,' before too much time elapses and I forget the spirit of the book:

Anthony considers going to the little club of dabblers in metaphysical philosophy, to talk to them about combating the descent of the Archetypes upon the world:
“Some of them might help: they couldn’t all want Archetypes coming down on them, not if they were like most of the religious people he had met. They also probably liked their religion taken mild—a pious hope, a devout ejaculation, a general sympathetic sense of a kindly universe—but nothing upsetting or bewildering, no agony, no darkness, no uncreated light.” (P.74)

How often is that me? Wanting the reality, the truth of God, of Jesus, to come in a watered-down, gentle sitcom-with-a-laugh-track form...something smaller than me... when really it is so much greater; really it is something than can swallow me whole. Something where I can finally lose myself in the beauty of my real purpose--worshipping the Greatest.

Anthony to Damaris about the REALITY of the situation, the REALITY of “ideas”:
“What I think is of no matter,” he answered. “Have I pretended it was? It’s the thing that matters: the truth is in the thing. Heart’s dearest, listen—the things you study are true, and the philosophers you read knew it. The universals are abroad in the world, and what are you going to do about it? Besides write about them.”
“Do you seriously mean to tell me,” she said, “that Power is walking about on the earth? Just Power?”
“Yes,” he answered, and though she added before she could stop herself, “Don’t you even know what a philosophic universal is?” he said no more.

Damaris is so sure that "ideas" are containable, are different from Reality. She will find out in a terrifying way that God is not just an 'idea.'
For now we see through a glass darkly...
face to face someday!!!

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