Friday, January 15, 2010

grace yet unseen, but so certainly there.

[ from Octavius Winslow, Morning Thoughts] :

"Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34.

It is a matter of much practical importance, that you take heed not to anticipate or to forestall the promised grace. For every possible circumstance in which you may be placed, the fullness of Christ and the supplies of the covenant are provided. That provision is only meted out as the occasions for whose history it was provided occur. Beware of creating trouble by ante-dating it. Seen through the mist, the advancing object may appear gigantic in size, and terrific in appearance; and yet the trouble you so much dread may never come; or coming, it will assuredly bring with it the "word spoken in due season." In the case of every child of God, calamity never comes alone; it invariably brings Jesus with it.

He will be more than enough. He always is.
He already knows just how He will be enough in the days to come.

My future housemate, my Jacqueline , has a really wonderful, thought-provoking post up on her blog. Use Google translator, if need be, to read it, even though its translation won't capture the depths of wisdom to which God's led Jac. :)

She writes about the people cited by God as sources of joy to Him, people He holds up as examples in the Word -- Daniel, Job, Noah, David, Abraham, Mary... these Biblical saints all endured times of such suffering. And she contrasts this to the televised 'saints' of today, with all their 'health and wealth.' Their goal is to attract millions of peoples' eyes. The Biblically God-pleasing goal is to seek only His approval. This will look very different from what impresses the world.
God humbled Himself, took on shame, became low, on a cross -- because of this, we don't have to be an eternal source of shame and sadness to Him. He can even be pleased with us! And the path to pleasing Him is the path of faith in Him, and in what He's done.
That faith is so often perfected and made real in lives through suffering.

How rich God has made my life in relationships. Jac, you are evidence to me of His future grace. May we walk the path of Biblical saint-hood, not the world's version.

1 comment:

Jacqueline B C Smith said...

You bless my life even more...

May we walk the path of Biblical saint-hood, not the world's version :) Amennnnnnnnnnn

P.s He already knows just how He will be enough in the days to come.