Wednesday, April 22, 2009

33. or: Three.

Pieces of

---A practice evacuation (or Tsunami Drill) walk. Entire school. Buddied up -- big kids with little ones. Up the block. Halfway across the bridge. U-turn. Back to school. When was the last time you had a tsunami drill? It felt like a merry parade.---

---They colored Picasso's 'Three Musicians.' Tomorrow they'll attempt their own cubist-ish portraits of one another. Thankful for their interest, I am, I am.

---"How do people get powers?"
this the deep, whispered naptime question of the day from my Wheels-Always-Turning J.-boy. He got up in the dark and walked around his table to come ask me this where I was sitting.

Me: What kind of powers do you mean?
J: You know, like doing stuff with your eyes, or flying. Superhero powers like that. How do people get those?
Me: Well...not all the powers you see in stories and movies are real. Birds are made to fly, but people weren't -- but it's fun to pretend! And God can do all those things when He chooses to... And hey, you have powers, you know.
J: Like what?
Me: Thinking power, talking power, walking power...
J (scornfully, a little disappointed): Those aren't powers.
Me: Ah, but I bet if a carrot looked at you, he'd say to himself, "I wish I had the super powers he has! Walking power, talking power...those are amazing super powers!"
J: Oh! (dawning realization of perspective making a difference).... But carrots have powers too. Like talking to their carrot friends. The other carrots.
Me: Interesting point. Have a seat now, bud. It's rest time...

Many interesting things about the dialogue above. Not least of which is why I would choose to use a carrot as the example of a less-powerful creature, as opposed to a thinking being, like a dog, say, or a mouse. A carrot.

I think you step rather far into the realm of the hallucinatory
when you live in reactive stream-of-consciousness performance day after day after day. ---
and that
is all
for now.

1 comment:

from mel said...

I love this post. It absolutely made my day. I miss you so, my friend. I've been thinking about you a lot lately....
